
I went to class today in terms of my new major- photo media.

Everything is fresh to me in many ways such as people, 

assignments and course outline. 

The first class started from 3-6pm and the name of the course is 

"Writing for Digital Media". However, as I was really undertaking this course, 

the core of the course was story and the built up of story. 

The professor is a scrip writer who has started to write 

while he was at the age of 11. He said that he likes reading and 

he has 4 shelves of books. And one of the terrible things is 

that you have to tell everyone why you are here in this class. 

That means you have to give a brief talking of yourself. 

That was embarrassing cause I hate this sort of introduction in front of others. 

You still need to talk otherwise you would not talk anymore, 

I told to myself. I am adult and there is no excuse to escape from

reality and ask for help. What grown-ups really do when they 

feel scare is that they face it. 

Story is existing anywhere such as airport, bus stop and train station. 

The professor told us one of his stories that happened in the San-diego airport 

which has no meaning on it. He gave this story a phrase "pure moment ".

 He met a woman in the airport. She asked him if he could finish the water. 

After that, she interested in what did he do at that time. 

He told to the woman that he was scrip writer. 


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